Water Resources

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The Water Resources Department consists of the Water Plant and two Wastewater Treatment Plants. The department supplies, treats and delivers the highest quality water possible to the citizens of Statesville and treats and disposes of sewage and residuals generated by the users in the most cost efficient manner that imposes no adverse impact on the environment.

The Water Resources Department has received the N.C. Area Wide Optimization Award by the N.C. Division of Water Resources for four consecutive years! Each year the awards are given to water systems that demonstrate outstanding turbidity removal, which is a key test of drinking water quality.

The Mission of the Statesville Water Treatment Plant is to supply, treat, and deliver the highest quality of water at the most economical rate possible to the customer of the system.

The two Wastewater Treatment Plants treat and dispose of sewage and residuals generated by the users in the most cost-efficient manner that imposes no adverse impact on the environment.

Statesville provides continuous, twenty-four hour per day, water and sewer service. There is always a certified operator on duty at each plant as required by the state. This ensures that the city's water supply and the water returned to nearby streams are of the best quality possible. Operators are certified through the N.C. Division of Environmental Management. Statesville actively promotes beneficial reuse of water and wastewater treatment byproducts. Water and wastewater processes produce bio-solids as a byproduct of treatment. Statesville dewaters the bio-solids and blends it with lime and a drying agent to produce an alkaline stabilized product, called Sta-Lime. Sta-Lime is available as a liming agent to be picked up by the public free of charge.

Water + Sewer Rates

Inside Rates (FY 24-25)

Outside Rates (FY 24-25)

Water Charges:

Water Charges:

Basic Facility Fee


Basic Facility Fee


Per 100 Cubic Feet


Per 100 Cubic Feet

Sewer Charges:
Sewer Charges:

Basic Facility Fee


Basic Facility Fee


Per 100 Cubic Feet


Per 100 Cubic Feet

Flat Rate Sewer Charge$46.03Flat Rate Sewer Charge$132.15
Commercial Flat Rate Sewer$177.44Commercial Flat Rate Sewer$636.02

*Note: 7.5 Gallons per cubic feet

Pretreatment Fees

New Permittees (One-time charge)


Existing Permittees (Every 5 Years)


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